Superior Wood Sealant and Termite Control
One lifetime treatment penetrates deep to seal wood, destroy
insects and trigger the early stages of wood petrification.
If you’re tired of resealing wood decks and fences every couple years, this product is for you. You can literally SEE our exclusive formula leeching into wood and traveling through capillaries. It’s designed to eliminate splitting, cupping, checking and wood expansion by preventing water absorption. The absence of water equals the absence of all fungal and insect issues.
Petriwood was originally Invented for Hawaii Pest Control operators and contractors who have increased insect issues due to a warm and humid climate. Petriwood is beneficial as a contact killer and repellent of all termite species. Total penetration of wood, stone and concrete is achieved while delivering a lethal dose of specially modified cedar oil to the termite or ant species living inside or below the material surface. The formula works equally well on wooden structures below or above ground level.
Important: Termites that feed upon homes, decks and garages come directly from the yard. In addition to sealing wood surfaces with Petriwood, we highly recommend spraying your yard, roof and gutters with our outdoor pest control concentrate. Since termites can feed upon dead or diseased branches of live trees, it’s also a good idea to spray trees surrounding your home, especially very old/mature trees. Our hose end sprayer will help you apply the product over wide areas quickly.
Petriwood Termite Treatment, One- 5 Gallon Pail: $250.00 +$37.00 S&H
Contains: Cedarwood Oil Extracts and Silane (quartz rock)
Petri-Wood, a “Chemical Free Wood Preservative Solution”
Total penetration of wood, stone and concrete is achieved while delivering a lethal dose of specially modified cedar oil to the termite or ant species living inside or below the material surface.
Click here for Wholesale Prices on products by the case! Save even More!

One Time, Lifetime Treatment for Decks Docks and Fences-Petri-Wood Pentrant and Stabilizer Triggers Early Stages of Wood Petrification, Eliminates Warping, Splitting and Cupping
How To Use This Product on Dry and Green Wood:
Brush – Apply liberally from both sides and ends. Keep the surface soaked or wet until absorption reaches the level of penetration desired.
Roller – Apply with heavy knap roller keeping all surface area wet until absorption reaches the degree of penetration desired.
Spray or Airless – Apply repeatedly with heavy coats to point of run off. Stacked lumber should be separated with slats between layers. Spray ends and all surfaces until absorption reaches the degree of penetration desired.
Submersion – The most desired method to treat green and wet material for drying or preserving structural lumber, plywood sheet products, oriented strand board, particle board, rail road ties, fencing material and wood flooring products. The use of masonry mud boxes, stock tanks and open barrels where total submersion from one or both ends is desirable. Treated material can be reversed for full coverage. Horizontal treatments require weight to offset buoyancy issues. Submersion times from 15 minutes to 1 hour are recommended as seen on the chart below. Excess submersion may or may not enhance performance however, is never detrimental to the objective. Does not compromise pre-treated surfaces such as hardwood floor or laminates.
Pressure Treatment – Standard pressure over vacuum or isolated pressure treatment protocol can be used with Petri-Wood wood preservatives. Minimal exposure is required as there is no cellular rejection of foreign objects as with aqueous penetrates. Resistance is minimum to the highly acute cedar oil turpene extracts and silicone compound. Elapsed vessel time is suggested at 15 minutes. Normal pressure treatment protocol should be calculated subject to equipment manufacturers’ instructions.
Evacuation – Drip dry time of 3 to 5 minutes is recommended for salvage of unused Petri-Wood solution. Stack time of 1 hour is suggested, however not required as Petri-Wood cures are triggered by catalytic reactions from oxygen.
Desired Penetration – Total dimensional control is obtained with complete penetration. Insect, fungal and decay control can be achieved with partial penetration. Construction window treatments of minimum penetration will provide water and surface mold resistance for up to 90 days. php include(“includes-logo/company-name.php”); suggests a minimum of 10 minutes for satisfactory results of all treatment objectives.